Common Agreement between Gandhism and Marxism Is Class Struggle

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Common Agreement between Gandhism and Marxism Is Class Struggle

When it comes to political and social ideologies, there are often many similarities and differences that can be observed between different schools of thought. One common agreement between Gandhism and Marxism is the concept of class struggle.

Gandhism, also known as Gandhi`s philosophy or Gandhianism, is a set of ideas that were developed by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as Mahatma Gandhi. It is centered around the principles of nonviolence, simplicity, and self-reliance. Gandhi believed that individuals should work towards creating a just and equal society through peaceful means, and that this could be achieved by resisting unjust laws and policies, and promoting self-sufficiency and communal living.

Marxism, on the other hand, is a political and social theory that was developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It is based on the idea that human society is divided into classes, and that the struggle between these classes is the driving force behind historical and social change. Marx believed that capitalism was inherently unjust, and that workers must unite and overthrow the capitalist ruling class in order to achieve equality and justice.

Despite their differences, both Gandhism and Marxism recognize the importance of class struggle in achieving social change. Gandhi believed that the struggle for independence from British colonial rule was a struggle between the Indian people and British imperialism, and that this struggle represented a broader global fight against imperialism and inequality. Similarly, Marxism recognizes that the struggle between the working class and the ruling class is a fundamental aspect of social and economic systems.

However, while both ideologies recognize the importance of class struggle, they differ in their approaches to achieving social change. Gandhi believed in nonviolent resistance, while Marx advocated for revolution and the overthrow of the ruling class. Additionally, Gandhism is centered around individual moral and spiritual development, while Marxism is focused on collective action and the role of the state in achieving social change.

In conclusion, while there are many differences between the ideologies of Gandhism and Marxism, they both recognize the importance of class struggle in achieving social change. By understanding the common ground between these two ideologies, we can begin to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the complex social and political issues that shape our world. As a professional, it is important to highlight these concepts in order to promote a better understanding and awareness of key ideologies and their connections.
